Bamenda: Environmental Water Conservation Campaigns
Public water conservation campaigns Challenge: Too little water Adaptation response:
Water efficiency and demand management in the region is a noble and holistic call for collective participation in conservation of our water source and wetland. The councils and its obligation on the, Description of Public water conservation campaigns to raise awareness in all levels of life about the importance of saving water to cope with its scarcity and ensure sustainability and mitigating climate change is very much demanding.
The councils have as a duty to change citizen attitudes and behaviour to improve water use efficiency. This is done through education and awareness campaigns on the socioeconomic and environmental benefits of water conservation and different conservation methods.
Communication means include traditional and social media, as well as direct communication such as workshops, presentations, stakeholder dialogues and traditional authorities. Other means such as economic incentives can also be employed, for example, free installation of water meters. Raising water conservation awareness is important as the combined impact of even small improvements in individual household use can amount to significant savings at a municipality or regional level.
Implementation Preparation and execution of public awareness campaigns requires a multidisciplinary team, including water experts, building and construction experts, and social marketing, communication and outreach and education professionals. A thorough analysis of local public water systems and consumer habits is typically undertaken (often using household surveys) to identify potential water savings and primary targets for consumer behaviour patterns. This includes identification of main target groups for awareness campaigns, for example local water utility companies, households, workplaces, large businesses, etc.
Campaigns can also establish water conservation goals to facilitate tracking of progress and achievement of objectives. Critical components of planning and executing a campaign include communication protocols and materials organization and production, and establishment of partnerships with media, schools, local NGOs, traditional authorities for effective dissemination.
By Sita Mify