FECASDEV NW Launches Sporting Season

2, Wed 19th, Apr 2023, 10:37

The Sports Federation for Persons living with Visual Impairment in Cameroon known by its French acronym as FECASDEV North West chapter has launched its sporting activities for the year 2023. The launch that took place at the CBC Nkwen sports complex on the 15th of April 2023 brought together visually impaired athletes and well wishers from other associations and clubs in the region. 


Speaking at the launch, the Regional Delegate for Sports and Physical Education Julius Loh Nsom hailed the athletes and the executive of the sporting federation for their sense of inclusion. 

He challenged all to shun segregation, stigmatising and other vices, and glue to sports as a means to life. "No one should be left behind at this time of an inclusive world ", Julius Loh Nsom said.  He told the athletes to shine beyond the scope and content of the region so that they could be seen nationally and internationally. "My office is open to all for necessary inputs and would stand by you at all times" he enjoined. 

 The president of federation for the North West Tancho Fidel Fonsigemuh in response highlighted the importance of sports to everyone as he encouraged the athletes to accept sports as a therapeutic act before employing financial or material gains. He regretted the absence of facilities that could facilitate goal-ball and other sporting disciplines for persons with visual impairment. Nevertheless he was optimistic that fecasdev would in collaboration with stakeholders and well wishers, would promote sports for visually impaired. 


Goal-ball was played to kick start the 2023 season.  The two teams Hope Social Union for Visually Impaired dubbed HSUVI Veterans and Young Challengers opened the season with the former beating her opponent young challengers by 19 goals to 13.

 It should be noted that the season which will run till November this year would be characterized by competitions across the region.  FECASDEV therefore would be down to the Division's of the region to encourage sports for persons with visual impairment. The impressive crowd that turned out was moved by the performances displayed by the players.