The Peace and Development Intuitive of Mezam Division has been launched

2, Thu 27th, Apr 2023, 10:13

The Peace and Development Intuitive of Mezam Division has been launched.  The launch that took place at the Regional Assembly yesterday under auspices of the Commissioner for Economic Development of Assembly Ghejung Awunti prescribed a bottom top approach in its implementation plan.

 The Regional Assembly which is fallout of the National Dialogue headed by Prof Fru Angwafor lll seeks to reinstate to restore peace and the socio-economic development of the crisis stricken North West Region. 

  It is on the background of this concept that the Mezam team descended to the field to preach peace building as an ingredient of development. 

 Initiative to run for three days would school the population of the seven subdivisions of Mezam on peace planting given that the peace planning had been carried during some other outings. 

 Speaking during the launch Commissioner Ghejung Awunti said Bamenda and Mezam should be able to set the example for the eventual return to normalcy by embracing development strides.  He called on youths; civil society organizations, and as well as traditional rulers to remain true advocates and peace given the two operate hand in clove.  Reason why those who benefit from them must be ready to sacrifice by shunning deviant practices that could course away. 


He said in the days ahead he and his team would able to go to the communities with the feasible implementation using the data collected.  (Feed)  Ghejung Awunti Commissioner for Economic Development.  Delegate for Mezam 

The launch saw the active participation of the Traditional rulers of Mankon,  Nkwen and Bamendakwe Fondoms a peaceful match from the Regional Assembly to the Governor's office where the governor accorded his dacord to the move. 

 It should be noted that the three days would be characterized by presentations on peace building, social interventions as well as sporting activities.