Food Security and Sustainable agriculture

Women's role in agriculture and food security is critical in Cameroon. However many researchers point out the lack of visibility of their participation and contribution in agriculture and development. The impediments to women's empowerment encompass their lack of access to decision-making processes, low participation in local governance, and limited access to technology inputs and credit. Land tenure is another stumbling block to women's full access and control of land and agricultural output. Although many projects endeavor to address rural women's needs, their empowerment should go beyond the efficiency, functionalist approach that only values their productive and reproductive roles.


LISAC see African women as key to the development of rural areas through their contribution to sustainable agriculture and rural development; including food security. It will further show that as the continental concern for food security increases and translates into more innovative strategies, the role of African women in fighting food shortages cannot be underestimated.


LISAC Promote women's full and equal participation in African economies

 Tailor agriculture extension and technical services to women producers and increase the number of women advisors and agents.


Provide equal gender opportunities for education and training in food production, processing, and marketing

Gather and utilize information on African women's traditional knowledge and skills in agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and natural resources management.

Promote the empowerment of small-scale family farmers, fishers, and foresters, both women and men, to set up their own cooperatives and business undertakings.

Increase awareness of the contribution African women make to agriculture and rural development.

Provide a learning and knowledge-sharing opportunity and develop new skills and access to information and networks.

Advocate for Value Chain approach to Agricultural Development in Africa.


Re-evaluate African women's role in alleviating poverty and creating more jobs in the agricultural and corresponding sectors

  • Contribution of African Women in household food security.
  • Promoting capacity building and participatory development at the community level.
  • Health and Nutrition programs targeting food insecure households-women, orphans, and vulnerable children ( OVC)
  • Promoting diversified agricultural production. -Implementation of special nutrition programs directed to women involved in vegetable crop production.-Adult literacy programs for women farmers.-Achieving Food and Nutrition Security in Africa


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